
Sports Medicine Specialist

As of Tuesday, June 6th, our new Hudson office location is: 86 Healy Boulevard Suite 2, Hudson, NY, 12534

Sports Medicine services offered in Kingston, New Windsor, Wappingers Falls, Hudson and West Coxsackie, NY

Sports injuries can sideline you from your favorite activities and increase your risk of additional damage. With locations in Kingston, New Windsor, Wappingers Falls, Hudson, and West Coxsackie, New York, the board-certified podiatrists and foot and ankle surgeons at Hudson Valley Foot Associates offer patients comprehensive prevention techniques and treatment for sports injuries. Call the nearest location or schedule an appointment online today to learn more about sports injuries.

What is sports medicine?

Sports medicine is a health care specialty that focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of activities related to physical activity. Whether you’re a weekend warrior, high school athlete, or professional player, Hudson Valley Foot Associates uses the latest techniques to keep you playing your favorite sports.

What injuries does sports medicine treat?

Hudson Valley Foot Associates treats a wide range of common sports injuries, including:

Achilles tendonitis

The Achilles tendon, which stretches from the back of your heel through your calf, endures constant pressure and stress. As the longest tendon in your body, the Achilles tendon can cause severe pain if damaged, torn, or ruptured.

Ankle sprain

A series of ligaments supports the ankle joint to carry your body weight. Any awkward movement or accident can damage these ligaments. Your doctor may categorize your ankle sprain into one of three grades: Grade 1, 2, or 3.


A fracture is a bone break. While these cracks can affect any of the bones in your feet, the toes are particularly vulnerable. Falling or colliding with another person playing contact sports, like football or rugby, can lead to a toe or foot fracture.

Plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis — the most common cause of heel pain — is a tissue inflammation that can occur from repetitive stress. Sports that involve running or jumping, like soccer or dance, can increase your risk of developing plantar fasciitis.


A neuroma is a thick ball of tissue that can form around the nerves between your toes. Sports that put pressure on the feet may raise your risk of developing a neuroma.

What are the most common sports medicine treatments?

Sports medicine treatments are custom-designed for your specific injury. The goal of treatment is to restore function to your area of injury, repair damage, and relieve pain. Your sports medicine specialist at Hudson Valley Foot Associates may recommend at-home stretches and exercises to prevent reinjury.

Typical treatments in sports medicine include:

  • Immobilization (casting, bracing, etc.)
  • Rest, ice, compression, elevation (R.I.C.E.)
  • Custom-made orthotic shoe inserts
  • Shoe modifications
  • Surgery

For individuals with soft tissue sports injuries, like plantar fasciitis, the practice offers a noninvasive treatment called extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) to repair damage.

Call Hudson Valley Foot Associates or schedule an appointment online today to learn more about sports medicine.

Services We Offer

Conditions & Treatments


Plantar Fasciitis



Sprained Ankle


Heel Pain

Ingrown Toenails



Flat Feet

Custom Orthotics

Sports Medicine

Achilles Tendon


Toenail Fungus

Diabetic Foot Care

Foot & Ankle Fractures

Corns & Calluses

Pediatric Foot Care
